EFI FOGRA Cert Service

EFI Europe - Ratingen Germany - September 2008 and September 2010
We are pleased to announce that Colour Consultancy Limited have successfully taken part in the FOGRA Cert seminar in Germany and as so can now officially certify proofing systems driven by ColorProof XF
The seminar included:
- ISO norms, MediaStandard Druck and fogra-cert
- Configuration of EFI ColorProof XF and creating proofs in accordance with fogra-cert
- EFI proofing media and their use in certified proofing systems
We can setup ink jet proofing systems driven by EFI to ISO 12647-7 (Digital Contract Proof)
We can set up toner based systems driven by EFI to ISO 12647-8 (Validation Print)*
*We recommend that potential customers check the FOGRA website for toner based systems that have been certified by FOGRA before considering their suitability for Validation printing
How does the service work?
One of our EFI FOGRA Certified colour consultants attends your site and checks that your ink jet printer conforms to ISO 12647-7. If the printer is found to be outside the tolerances required then we will calibrate the media to bring it within specification. We then set up a FOGRA Cert queue or workflow on the EFI RIP which includes all the parameters as laid down by ISO 12647-7. Finally we output some special testcharts that are sent off to FOGRA in Germany for independent verification. You will then receive by post a full test report and certificate as well as permission to use the FOGRA Cert logo on your website.
More and more businesses are being asked to supply proofs that conform to ISO 12647-7.